Thursday, March 18, 2010

What is a Patrol Activity

Patrol activities help the Guides further develop within their peer group.  In order to actually 'do' an activity their must be several things happening at once.

Firstly their must be registered members of Guides participating.  Friends may attend sometimes.  (Up to three times then they must be a member to do any more visits to Guides programs and / or Patrol Activity visits - inclusive. The activity must be interesting, challenging and fun.  Something to be talked about and shared.

Having something special occurring keeps the friends interested in what you are doing.This way the friends will want to join in on the planning too.

Patrol activities are overseen by adults.

Patrol activities are not always held at Guides. These adventures can be to all sorts of interesting place, events, activities and services. Sometimes Patrol Activities can be something that is a small part of something else happening.  Like doing the food shopping before a come or cook out. Supporting a friend with a sport endevour, Going to the pictures together.  Going shopping anyway even hiking in the bush.

So you can see that to achieve a Patrol activity

  • Management of any activity is a learned art.  
  • Management of people has many different variables.
  •  Time management is a different senaro altogether. 

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