Why Camps are Fun.

There are as many types of camps as there are types of people.  There are also many different ways of achieving nearly the same outcome. Everyone of us get something out of a camp.

One can go on a well prepared camp, overnight stay or light weight adventure and the whole thing may just be one event after the other.  Better still going on camp and winging it through makes things more nerve racking and damages your peace of mind.

Throughout these posts [ attachments and links] are interesting things that you can practice at home, at school, even at parties or in your kitchen space.  Practicing most of these with at least four other friends is a good idea as this togetherness encourages one to think and act as a team would do.

Team work is an important part of the camp seen.  There is a lot of preparation and after the camp work to do.  having to pre-pack and then to pack down, clean and put away by yourself is not a good idea as it is a tedious work load. Working as a team would through all the chores allows for knowledge to be shared, laughter to be heard and memories to be made. Much more enjoyable fun.

Having learned the basic skills you will find there is always more to learn However the basic skills are built on and added to depending on the type of camp one goes to.  Check out some of the different camp types as they are gradually uploaded.

 Each camp has a different theme. Usually chosen by the Girl Guide participants themselves.  The camps may be run as a partrol through to International Jamborees some where in the world. These camps may consist of your patrol, a mix of patrols, a unit or combined units, a District or combined District, Regional or State, as a member of a State contingent, Australian or as is already said somewhere else in this big beautiful world.

The camps may be indoor, outdoor in a controlled environment, Outdoor bush, expedition, involve water or not.

With Girl Guiding you have to be prepared to explore and have an adventure.  Even if it is only in your back yard.